OGM -Purpose/ Goals

A. Plant open gate churches according the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20
B. Provide yearly 4 months of ministry training to young adults pastors and evangelists in East Africa  that have not had an opportunity to attend bible college or pursue any formal seminary education.

The training called “the Leadership and Theological Institute” shall provide the following courses:

  • Introduction to the Old testament
  • Introduction to the New Testament
  • Introduction to Christian Theology
  • Christian Leadership
  • Pastoral Care

C.  Provide yearly pastoral retreat for open gate ministry partners that are involved in church planting work. The purpose of this gathering is to work towards the increase of priestly knowledge (Malachi 2:7) to foster love and a spirit of unity among members of the gathering and to provide sabbatical rest in order to help pastors renew their strengths.