is a program designed to help children in places that are suffering from the effects of ethnic conflict, war and violence. At C-CAAL, we believe strongly that the most effective way for long-term change to occur in places that are suffering from ethnic conflicts and war is for one sponsor to take an active interest in the educational life of one child.
When we look at the life of Jesus Christ on earth, we come to a realization that His messianic mission and message is addressed to the whole complex of socio-human life in His day. His teaching is implicated with specific human hurts and concerns, bringing dignity, meaning and hope to people. Jesus overrode cultural, racial, and traditional categories, which were used to evaluate people [John 4:6-26].
Change a child’s world! Your tax-deductible contribution of just $30 a month provides to your sponsored child educational opportunities, programs that teach important life skills; and most important of all, your child hears about the good news of Jesus Christ and is encouraged to develop a lifelong relationship with God. Sponsoring a child will profoundly change the future for your child and will change your own life in the process.
You can start sponsoring a child today. Contact us for more information.
C-CAAL is inviting you to respond to this great need and assist a child whose life has been affected by ethnic conflict, war and violence. In Matthew 10:42, Jesus said that whoever gives to one of these little ones even a cup of water to drink, truly shall not lose his or her reward.